Tips On Choosing The Right Grab Lorry For The Job

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Choosing the right grab lorry for the job depends on your industry, the volume of waste, and its weight. No type of vehicle adapts itself better to these variables because grab trucks are designed specifically for handling a wide range of materials, such as demolition concrete, bricks, paving slabs, and rubble. A grab lorry hire is also the ideal solution for handling loose materials such as soil, gravel, sand, clay, trees, and branches. Whether it is delivering industrial or construction waste to recycle centres or landfills, the right grab truck will take the strain out of these heavy-duty jobs. Your grab hire has a hydraulic arm with a clamshell bucket, providing an all-in-one loading solution that can work independently from other support vehicles, such as diggers. This means that there is no lost time waiting for other loading equipment, which is a tremendous advantage when improving productivity and efficiency. The efficiency a grab lorry hire provides also helps you keep manual labour costs down. There is no need for a team of workers shoveling and wheelbarrowing waste, which allows you to put your workforce onto essential roles where their brainpower is really needed.

Truck Capacity

If you are looking to deal with massive amounts of waste from large construction or demolition projects, then the grab wagon capacity will be crucial. The capacity can be many times greater than that of a single skip, which means fewer trips and substantial fuel savings. The different truck configurations available for hire include: Four-wheel grab lorry hire: Up to 8 tons Six-wheel grab lorry hire: Up to 12 tons Eight-wheel grab lorry hire: Up to 16 tons Even in the case of a 32-ton gross weight grab truck hire, you can go from empty to full capacity in as little as 30 minutes, clearing significant amounts of waste in a short amount of time.

Where Will The Grab Lorry Be Used?

If your grab lorry will be working in a low emissions zone, then a Euro 6 emissions-rated truck is vital, being able to move in and out of these zones without a daily charge. If the work or building site has inaccessible places with limited site access, then a grab hire is a great solution. However, it is essential to remember that some waste types cannot be mixed for disposal, which may lead you to consider renting several grab waste removal trucks for simultaneous disposal of different aggregates. Mac’s Truck Rental can give you the advice you need to make sure you receive the right vehicle for the job. We provide grab lorry hire with the vehicle delivered right where you need it throughout the UK, from Edinburgh to London or Cardiff. Our lorries are fully maintained through the entirety of your rental contract, with six-weekly checks ensuring your lorry remains in optimal condition and excellent working order. To find out more about the options for short-term, spot, and long-term hire, please contact us on 01422 557 290.